Sunday, November 30, 2014

Wonder Woman Meets Fibro Woman

I am not changing my life! I enjoy taking care of everything & everyone. Fibromyalgia will not hold me back from continuing life as I know it. That is the mindset that prevented me from managing pain and continuously crashing into that wall we refer to as a Fibromyalgia Flare.  

I HAD to make changes in my life, although I didn't WANT to. I was taking care of everything and everyone while failing to take care of myself. The most important changes were learning to Say NO and Pacing Myself. That combination made a huge difference in managing pain.

I had to learn that saying NO to others meant saying Yes to me. I am now able to create healthy boundaries in relationships by saying No. I make sure that I do not cause myself a flare by overextending myself or putting too much on my plate. There are still times when I can't avoid putting too much on my plate. During those times, I remind myself that it is acceptable to leave  leftovers for tomorrow, it is acceptable to have a messy house (work in progress), it is acceptable to start the next day with a full to do list, it is acceptable to ask for help. How else would I find the energy to conquer mountains that I cannot climb? 

I know that there are many things I will never be able to control, so I manage what I have within my reach and that always begins with not overextending myself. I am not limited by Fibromyalgia, the only limits that I have are the ones that I have set for myself, which are NONE. I just had to learn to live life differently in order to unveil the life I once knew.
Fibro Woman does not need a cape, lasso or indestructible bracelets, her super powers are within. She manages 1-20 symptoms on a daily basis including Chronic Pain and Fatigue, She is an advocate for herself and 10 million others like her, She is Physically, Mentally and Emotionally drained. At first glance you would not know any of this because she allows her BEAUTIFUL Smile & Strength to outshine all the Fibromyalgia Villains. She is Fibro Fierce!

Sharing is Caring <3

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