Saturday, December 6, 2014

How can you do it All?

This is usually the question I am asked after I inform someone that I have Fibromyalgia. The answer is that I NO longer do it all. I gave up my volunteer work, I gave up cooking everyday, I gave up spending time with friends, I gave up cleaning my house everyday, I gave up being obsessive, compulsive & controlling (this maybe a good thing to have given up) and I gave up my memory which doesn't allow me to remember all the other things that I gave up (not by choice-smile). 

All of those things were traded in order to conserve energy. Energy that can be used with family or educating myself on holistic approaches that aide in managing symptoms. When I am not successful, I just fake feeling well. Why fake it? Because although for the most part peoples intentions are genuine and come from a place of concern; discussions about me not feeling well often lead to pity parties. I understand & respect the need to vent, as there are many times that I do this myself (hence why I blog). However, a pity party is very different and is of no use to anyone, since it usually consists on dwelling on the issue which often leads to stress and depression.  We all know that stress and depression are the highways leading to only one destination-Fibromylagia Flare.  I do not do it all and my life has changed FOREVER but I am only looking back in order to see how far I have traveled.

Keep in mind that Skills are taught, Attitude is influenced but YOU bring the Resiliency! 

Every time your back is against the ropes you always find a way to free yourself and fight back. 

Sharing is Caring!

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