Sunday, November 2, 2014

Natural Treatments Options

If you read "What are my Triggers" you already know that Fibromyalgia is a personal syndrome and what works for one, may not work for another.

Some of you have reached out asking me to discuss natural pain options. I want you to keep in mind that natural pain options are not one size fits all either. That is why choices and different approaches are extremely important in managing pain. You must NOT give up until you find the combination that works best for you. While we may never feel 100% better-We can learn to manage pain, symptoms, triggers and start enjoying more pain-free days.

You are NOT Alone!
With Pain comes Depression. It is normal to miss who you were before the pain invaded your body.  Find a local Support Group, Trained Counselor or Therapist who understand's Fibromyalgia.  No longer being able to do the things you once enjoyed can be detrimental. Living with a chronic illness can put a strain on the strongest relationships. Talking about these issues with people who have similar experiences will help you feel understood and hopefully save the relationships that are worth saving. Explain to your family and friends that your chronic illness does not allow you to do the things you once enjoyed. Some will understand and others will not. We can be surrounded by so much LOVE and still feel alone in this journey with Fibromyalgia.

Counting Sheep does not work-Now What?
We all know that there is a correlation between sleep and pain.  The very evil insomnia wakes us in the middle of the night and does not allow us to go back to sleep. Drinking chamomile tea with a little milk and honey before bed can make a difference (grandmas recipe helps fibro too). If you have an android phone, try downloading a meditation app. You can listen to the guided meditation right before bedtime.  Keep the phone and headphones near your bed and when/if you wake, you can easily plug the headphones in and hopefully go back to sleep. If you do not have an android, you can use a meditation CD and boom box with headphones as well.

Staying Active!
It can be difficult to think about exercising with a chronic pain disorder.  However, staying active can help loosen muscles and joints so that they don't cramp up as often. When you exercise, a superhero named endorphin is released into your body. This superhero positively reacts with receptors in your brain that help reduce pain, stress and improve sleep. The mighty Endorphin pretty much behaves as morphine without the chemical dependancy. However, similar to morphine you may become addicted to Exercise.

I think I can, I think I can-I KNOW I CAN!
None of us enjoy pain but we can assist in the process by keeping a positive focus. There are many things that we cannot control with Fibromyalgia, but keeping positive thoughts and being compassionate to our bodies and spirit is within our control. Surrounding ourselves with positive affirmations and quotes will remind us to keep a positive focus during flare ups and uncontrollable pain.

You are What you Eat!

This is where journaling is crucial.  All our bodies are different and therefore react differently to certain foods.  Some of us will need to go vegan or vegetarian, start a gluten free diet or solely depend on organic products and others may find that they can tolerate pretty much any food. For me processed foods and red meat are like drinking poison. Some also think there is a connection between Leaky gut and autoimmune disorders. Personally this makes sense to me, since my 1st diagnosis was Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Endless Possibilities!
Other things you can try are Mantra Meditation, Fibromyalgia Flotation Project, Massage Therapy, Aqua Therapy, Fish Oil, Coconut Oil, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Tumeric and many others……. The possibilities are endless. These are just a few options that have helped me and others in my circle.

Make sure you consult with your Doctor before starting an exercise regimen and/or starting natural supplements.

{Soft Hugs}

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