Thursday, October 9, 2014

Why Blog?

I have thought about blogging for quite sometime now but kept putting it off.

Some of the reasons:

What if no one reads my blog?

What can I say to other fibro warriors that they don't already know?

When will I find the time to blog?

Well, Im here and if no one reads, at least I can say that I tried. There are many things that I can share with my fellow fibro warriors regarding my personal journey leading up to diagnosis, the struggle finding myself in a body with Fibromyalgia and finally learning to live again.  I think I might have to blog for the next forty years and still not come close to touching all of it.

Enough about why I second guess myself.  Let's get back to why we are here.  I have always been a believer that everything happens for a reason.  But what could be the reason for this Fibromyalgia diagnosis?  It was handed to me during a stage in my life that should have been one of the happiest. I was finally a homeowner, my husband and I had sorted out our relationship issues, our children were doing well in school & life, my career was just beginning to thrive. It felt as if the universe looked at me and said, so you think you can overcome anything- Try Fibromyalgia. 

This may have been my toughest battle this far but it's quite difficult to beat a person that does not believe in giving up.  In the words of Whitney-"I was not built to Break"!

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