Saturday, October 11, 2014

What are my Triggers?

If you read my last post "Run Milly Run" you would get the impression that one day I woke up began a walking regimen and POOF-Fibromyalgia was gone (well….. it is a flarey tale).

Anyone with Fibromyalgia knows that if it were that easy, there would be millions walking in droves to restore our health. Running has helped me immensely but before the running, I was on a quest to manage symptoms. I learned early on that Fibromyalgia is a personal syndrome in that it affects each person differently.  I also learned that for me cold weather was a trigger.  Weather  also seemed to be a common trigger for many; however I noticed that while one person with Fibro was thriving in Alaska there were many others there who felt as if they did better in Carribean temperatures and vice-versa (personal syndrome).  While we may not be able to control the weather and yes we can choose to pack up and move, weather is not the only common trigger. So let's start by taking control of what we can do to manage symptoms.  A guide to managing symptoms starts with a pain journal. Two of my favorites are: and

Once we identify triggers we can start paying attention to the signs.  A few days ago, in the midst of a very hectic day, I decided to eat a cheeseburger from a local fast food chain.  What on earth was I thinking?  I ordered the burger, knowing very well that this would cost me later. The next two days consisted of pain, fibro fog and my favorite of all Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Did somebody say Flare? 

A few years ago, I probably would have been flaring for weeks.  Why? because I did not know my triggers and would have continued making wrong choices causing a spiral effect.  Although, there is no cure for Fibromyalgia and we will ALL have bad days, we can learn to manage symptoms and hopefully the good days can start outweighing the bad days (soft hugs).

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