Sunday, January 25, 2015

Let's Move

This morning I woke up with a stiff back. I immediately knew it was my body reminding me to get moving.  When you have a chronic illness it is difficult to consider exercise. Even the simplest task such as bathing can cause pain and drain your energy. However, low impact exercise can ease some fibromyalgia symptoms and help boost energy.

Here are a just a few that I have tried:

Yoga-Symptoms can be reduced by practicing the mind & body technique of yoga.
Walking-Helps build stamina, reduce stiffness and boosts energy.
Light stretching-Aides in increasing flexibility and loosening tight stiff muscles. I do these in the AM before I get out of bed.

The benefits of low impact exercise I have noticed are:

It releases endorphins to the brain which assist with Fibro Fog.

It assists in not allowing muscles and joints to cramp up as often.

It gives me extra energy which means I get one or two extra spoons that day to use on whatever I choose.

I lost 26lbs in the process while still enjoying my favorite foods.

My body may sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies afterwards but my back, knees and muscles are less stiff and tense.

Before starting an exercise regime please check with your Doctor as they are the holder of your Medical History and will know better than anyone if Exercise is an option for you in managing pain.

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